Friday, February 15, 2008


Toshiba is planning to abandon HD DVD in the next few weeks, according to a story in the Hollywood Reporter, which cites “reliable industry sources.”
The Hollywood Reporter quotes Toshiba’s Jodi Sally as saying that recent developments are shifting the company’s outlook.
“Given the market developments in the past month,” she is reported as saying, “Toshiba will continue to study the market impact and the value proposition for consumers, particularly in light of our recent price reductions on all HD DVD players.”
The story also quotes an HD DVD source saying the move could come soon. “An announcement is coming soon,” the source is reported as saying. “It could be a matter of weeks.”
Toshiba isn’t commenting on the story, calling it “rumors and speculation.” So please, take it with a grain of salt until any official announcement is made.
Just this week,
Netflix and Best Buy both announced that they will be supporting Blu-ray.
At CES, Toshiba said they were
committed to HD DVD despite Warner Bros.’ decision to release its discs solely on Blu-ray starting this May.
Since the January event, both sides have
announced incentives for buying hardware and software, with Toshiba cutting prices of players significantly.

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